发表于 2010-05-13 16:21:15
我用的是ise11.1和xc3s700an,当我在下载到内部flash时,出现“programming fpga only”可以成功下载,但是“program fpga and flash”却不能正确下载不知道为什么,求高手指点啊
GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Cable is LOCKED. Retrying...
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
Driver file xusbdfwu.sys found.
Driver version: src=1027, dest=1027.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
Cable PID = 0008.
Max current requested during enumeration is 300 mA.
Type = 0x0005.
Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
Cable connection established.
Firmware version = 2401.
File version of D:/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/data/xusb_xp2.hex = 2401.
Firmware hex file version = 2401.
PLD file version = 200Dh.
PLD version = 200Dh.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
Attempting to identify devices in the boundary-scan chain configuration...
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 星期一 四月 27 14:43:06 2009
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Identifying chain contents...'0': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xc3s700an, Version : 2
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading D:/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/spartan3a/data/xc3s700an.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc3s700an successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
'1': Loading file 'E:\useful\FPGA\DriverCCD\ccdtmdrv.bit' ...
Found sync word in bitstream.
UserID read from the bitstream file = 0xFFFFFFFF.
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc3s700an successfully.
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 星期一 四月 27 14:43:21 2009
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'1': SPI access core not detected. SPI access core will be downloaded to the device to enable operations.
INFO:iMPACT - Downloading core file D:/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/spartan3a/data/xc3s700an_spi.cor.
'1': Downloading core...
'1': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
IDCODE not validated while writing FDRI : 0
DCM Locked : 1
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of VSEL pin 0 : 1
value of VSEL pin 1 : 1
value of VSEL pin 2 : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 1
value of MODE pin M2 : 0
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from Done Pin : 1
SYNC word not found : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 1111 1110 1100
INFO:iMPACT:2492 - '1': Completed downloading core to device.
INFO:iMPACT - '1': Checking done pin....done.
'1': Core downloaded successfully.
INFO:iMPACT - SPI Device not found.
INFO:iMPACT:2488 - The operation did not complete successfully.
'1': Configuration data download to FPGA was not successful. DONE did not go high, please check your configuration setup and spi mode settings.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 28 sec.
关键词: 下载 问题 iMPACT