版主: 51FPGA |
最后登陆时间:2010-06-02 14:46:07 |
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity XiYiJi is port( clk_50M :in std_logic; k_select :in std_logic; k_run_stop :in std_logic; --------------------------------------------- led_state :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);---zhishi 11 ge zhuang tai hex0 :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); hex1 :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); hex2 :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); hex3 :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --------------------------------------------- ctrl_danxi :out std_logic; ctrl_danpiao:out std_logic; ctrl_dantuo :out std_logic); end XiYiJi; --------------------------------------------------------- architecture state_machine1 of XiYiJi is type state_type is (s_wt_idle,s_wt_dx,s_wt_dp,s_wt_dt,s_wt_pt,s_wt_xpt,s_dx,s_dp,s_dt,s_pt,s_xpt); signal present_state,next_state:state_type; signal a1,a2,a3:integer range 0 to 9; signal a4:integer range 0 to 9; signal clk_10ms:std_logic; signal clk_10ms_v:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal time_up : std_logic; signal k1_v,k2_v:std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0 ); signal from_idle:std_logic; signal state_unfinish:std_logic; begin --------------------------------------------------------- caiyang:process(clk_50M,k_select,k_run_stop) begin if rising_edge(clk_10ms) then k1_v(5)<=k1_v(4); --用于消抖 k1_v(4)<=k1_v(3); k1_v(3)<=k1_v(2); k1_v(2)<=k1_v(1); k1_v(1)<=k1_v(0); k1_v(0)<=k_select; k2_v(5)<=k2_v(4); k2_v(4)<=k2_v(3); k2_v(3)<=k2_v(2); k2_v(2)<=k2_v(1); k2_v(1)<=k2_v(0); k2_v(0)<=k_run_stop; end if ; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- state_transfer:process(clk_10ms,present_state,next_state,k1_v,k2_v) begin if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then if present_state=s_wt_idle then from_idle<='1';----zan ting hou ji shi xian shi panduan if k1_v ="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_dx; end if ; elsif present_state=s_wt_dx then if k1_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_dp; end if; if k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_dx; end if ; elsif present_state=s_wt_dp then if k1_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_dt; elsif k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_dp; end if ; elsif present_state =s_wt_dt then if k1_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_pt; elsif k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_dt; end if ; elsif present_state=s_wt_pt then if k1_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_xpt; elsif k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_pt; end if ; elsif present_state=s_wt_xpt then if k1_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_idle; elsif k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_xpt; end if ; elsif present_state=s_dx then from_idle<='0'; if time_up='1'then next_state<=s_wt_dx; state_unfinish <='0'; end if; if k2_v="00011" then next_state<=s_wt_dx; state_unfinish <='1'; end if ; elsif present_state=s_dp then from_idle<='0'; if time_up='1'then next_state<=s_wt_dp; state_unfinish <='0'; end if; if k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_dp; state_unfinish <='1'; end if ; elsif present_state=s_dt then from_idle<='0'; if time_up='1'then next_state<=s_wt_dt; state_unfinish <='0'; end if; if k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_dt; state_unfinish <='1'; end if ; elsif present_state=s_pt then from_idle<='0'; if time_up='1'then next_state<=s_wt_pt; state_unfinish <='0'; end if; if k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_pt; state_unfinish <='1'; end if ; elsif present_state=s_xpt then from_idle<='0'; if time_up='1'then next_state<=s_wt_xpt; state_unfinish <='0'; end if; if k2_v="00011"then next_state<=s_wt_xpt; state_unfinish <='1'; end if ; end if;
end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- fenpin_1ms:process(clk_50M) variable clk_div:integer range 0 to 25;--0000; begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then clk_div:=clk_div+1; if clk_div=25 then--0000 clk_10ms<=not clk_10ms; clk_div:=0; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- caiyang1:process(clk_50M,clk_10ms)-----caiyang yongyi xiaochu shijian yanchi begin if rising_edge(clk_50M) then clk_10ms_v(1)<=clk_10ms_v(0); clk_10ms_v(0)<=clk_10ms; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- state_register:process(clk_50M) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then present_state<=next_state; end if; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------- zhuangtaichuli:process(clk_50M,clk_10ms_v,present_state,time_up) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M) then
case present_state is when s_wt_idle =>
a4<=8;a3<=8;a2<=8;a1<=8; led_state <="1111"; ctrl_danxi<='0';---lv deng yun xing zhishi ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_wt_dx => -- if state_unfinish='1'then if from_idle='1'or time_up='1'then a4<=2;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; end if ; led_state <="0001"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_wt_dp => if from_idle='1'or time_up='1'then a4<=1;a3<=5;a2<=0;a1<=0; end if; led_state <="0010"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_wt_dt => if from_idle='1'or time_up='1'then a4<=1;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; end if ; led_state <="0011"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_wt_pt => if from_idle='1'or time_up='1'then a4<=3;a3<=5;a2<=0;a1<=0; end if; led_state <="0100"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_wt_xpt => if from_idle='1'or time_up='1'then a4<=4;a3<=5;a2<=0;a1<=0; end if ; led_state <="0101"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; when s_dx => led_state <="0110"; ctrl_danxi<='1'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; if clk_10ms_v="01" then----------weihe jiu neng xiaochushijianyanchi -- if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then a1<=a1-1; if a1=0 then a2<=a2-1;a1<=9; if a2=0 then a3<=a3-1;a2<=9; if a3=0 then a4<=a4-1;a3<=9; if a4=0 and a3=0 and a2=0 and a1=0 then time_up<='1'; a4<=0;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; else time_up<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; when s_dp => led_state <="0111"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='1'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; if clk_10ms_v="01" then -- if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then a1<=a1-1; if a1=0 then a2<=a2-1;a1<=9; if a2=0 then a3<=a3-1;a2<=9; if a3=0 then a4<=a4-1;a3<=9; if a4=0 and a3=0 and a2=0 and a1=0 then time_up<='1'; a4<=0;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; else time_up<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; when s_dt => led_state <="1000"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='1'; if clk_10ms_v="01" then -- if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then a1<=a1-1; if a1=0 then a2<=a2-1;a1<=9; if a2=0 then a3<=a3-1;a2<=9; if a3=0 then a4<=a4-1;a3<=9; if a4=0 and a3=0 and a2=0 and a1=0 then time_up<='1'; a4<=0;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; else time_up<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; when s_pt => led_state <="1001"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='1'; ctrl_dantuo<='1'; if clk_10ms_v="01" then -- if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then a1<=a1-1; if a1=0 then a2<=a2-1;a1<=9; if a2=0 then a3<=a3-1;a2<=9; if a3=0 then a4<=a4-1;a3<=9; if a4=0 and a3=0 and a2=0 and a1=0 then time_up<='1'; a4<=0;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; else time_up<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; when s_xpt => led_state <="1010"; ctrl_danxi<='1'; ctrl_danpiao<='1'; ctrl_dantuo<='1'; if clk_10ms_v="01" then -- if rising_edge(clk_10ms)then a1<=a1-1; if a1=0 then a2<=a2-1;a1<=9; if a2=0 then a3<=a3-1;a2<=9; if a3=0 then a4<=a4-1;a3<=9; if a4=0 and a3=0 and a2=0 and a1=0 then time_up<='1'; a4<=0;a3<=0;a2<=0;a1<=0; else time_up<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; when others => a4<=8;a3<=8;a2<=8;a1<=8; led_state <="1111"; ctrl_danxi<='0'; ctrl_danpiao<='0'; ctrl_dantuo<='0'; end case; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- a1yimaxianshi:process(clk_50M,a1) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then case a1 is when 0=> hex0<="11000000"; when 1=> hex0<="11111001"; when 2=> hex0<="10100100"; when 3=> hex0<="10110000"; when 4=> hex0<="10011001"; when 5=> hex0<="10010010"; when 6=> hex0<="10000010"; when 7=> hex0<="11111000"; when 8=> hex0<="10000000"; when others=> hex0<="10010000"; end case; end if; end process; a2yimaxianshi:process(clk_50M,a2) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then case a2 is when 0=> hex1<="11000000"; when 1=> hex1<="11111001"; when 2=> hex1<="10100100"; when 3=> hex1<="10110000"; when 4=> hex1<="10011001"; when 5=> hex1<="10010010"; when 6=> hex1<="10000010"; when 7=> hex1<="11111000"; when 8=> hex1<="10000000"; when others=> hex1<="10010000"; end case; end if; end process; a3yimaxianshi:process(clk_50M,a3) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then case a3 is when 0=> hex2<="11000000"; when 1=> hex2<="11111001"; when 2=> hex2<="10100100"; when 3=> hex2<="10110000"; when 4=> hex2<="10011001"; when 5=> hex2<="10010010"; when 6=> hex2<="10000010"; when 7=> hex2<="11111000"; when 8=> hex2<="10000000"; when others=> hex2<="10010000"; end case; end if; end process; a4yimaxianshi:process(clk_50M,a4) begin if rising_edge(clk_50M)then case a4 is when 0=> hex3<="11000000"; when 1=> hex3<="11111001"; when 2=> hex3<="10100100"; when 3=> hex3<="10110000"; when 4=> hex3<="10011001"; when 5=> hex3<="10010010"; when 6=> hex3<="10000010"; when 7=> hex3<="11111000"; when 8=> hex3<="10000000"; when others=> hex3<="10010000"; end case; end if; end process; ------------------------------- end state_machine1;
关键词:全自动 洗衣机 控制器 logic state d |
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