版主: 51FPGA |
最后登陆时间:2015-01-13 22:10:25 |
/* 2011/11/18 40M Fosc this time we will create one hz pulse */ module one_hz_dna( clk, en fout, fout1, fout2, data8 ); ///////////////////////////////////////dna define///////////////////////////////////////// input en; output [7:0] data8; /* FSM define */ parameter s0 = 8'b00000001; parameter s1 = 8'b00000010; parameter s2 = 8'b00000100; parameter s3 = 8'b00001000; parameter s4 = 8'b00010000; parameter s5 = 8'b00100000; parameter s6 = 8'b01000000; parameter s7 = 8'b10000000; //parameter DNA_LEN = 56; //parameter DNA = 56'b01010100_00111011_00101110_11011001_01111001_11010100_00110010; parameter DNA_LEN = 60; parameter DNA = 56'b0100_00111011_00101110_11011001_01111001_11010100_00110010_1111; reg READ; reg SHIFT; reg DCLK; wire DOUT; wire DIN; reg [7:0] state, next; reg [5:0] shift_cnt; reg [55:0] dna_reg; ///////////////////////////////////////one hz define////////////////////////////////////// input clk; output fout; output fout1,fout2; reg[25:0] t_cnt; reg fout; wire fout1,fout2; parameter FOSC = 40000000; //parameter FOSC = 4000; parameter CNT_LEN = FOSC - 1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DNA_PORT : In order to incorporate this function into the design, // Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed // instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name // declaration : (DNA_PORT_inst) and/or the port declarations within the // code : parenthesis may be changed to properly reference and // : connect this function to the design. All inputs // : and outputs must be connected. // // DNA_PORT: Access to the device-specific DNA value // Spartan-3A, Virtex-6, Spartan-6 // Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 12.4 DNA_PORT #( .SIM_DNA_VALUE(57'h000000000000000) // Specifies the unique DNA value // for simulation test ) DNA_PORT_inst ( .DOUT(DOUT), // 1-bit DNA output data .CLK(DCLK), // 1-bit clock input .DIN(DIN), // 1-bit user data input pin .READ(READ), // 1-bit input, active high load DNA, active low READ .SHIFT(SHIFT) // 1-bit input, active high SHIFT enable ); // End of DNA_PORT_inst instantiation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin if(t_cnt < CNT_LEN) t_cnt <= t_cnt + 1; else begin t_cnt <= 0; fout <= ~fout; end end //assign fout1 = 1; //assign fout2 = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk or negedge en) begin if(!en) state <= s0; else state <= next; end always @(state or en or shift_cnt) begin case(state) s0: begin if(!en) next = s0; else next = s1; end s1: begin next = s2; end s2: begin next = s3; end s3: begin next = s4; end s4: begin next = s5; end s5: begin next = s6; end s6: begin if(shift_cnt < DNA_LEN) next = s5; else next = s7; end s7: begin next = s7; end default: next = s0; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin case(next) s0: begin READ <= 0; SHIFT <= 0; DCLK <= 0; shift_cnt <= 0; end s1: begin READ <= 1; end s2: begin DCLK <= 1; end s3: begin DCLK <= 0; READ <= 0; end s4: begin SHIFT <= 1; end s5: begin DCLK <= 1; end s6: begin shift_cnt <= shift_cnt + 1; DCLK <= 0; // we should send the dout to dna_reg here! dna_reg <= dna_reg << 1; dna_reg[0] <= DOUT; end s7: begin READ <= 0; SHIFT <= 0; DCLK <= 0; shift_cnt <= 0; end default: begin READ <= 0; SHIFT <= 0; DCLK <= 0; shift_cnt <= 0; end endcase end assign DIN = 1; assign fout1 = (dna_reg == DNA)? 0:fout; assign fout2 = fout; assign data8 = dna_reg[7:0]; endmodule
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