发表于 2015-04-01 21:01:34
ERROR lace:1115
- Unroutable Placement! A clock IOB / BUFIO clock component pair have been
found that are not placed at
a routable clock IOB / BUFIO site pair. The clock IOB component
<clkin> is placed at site < AD156>.
component <SP6_BUFIO2_INSERT_PLL1_ML_BUFIO2_0> is placed at
site <BUFIO2_X0Y22>. Each BUFIO site has a select set of
IOBs that can drive it. If these IOBs are not used, the connection
is not routable You may want to analyze why this
problem exists and correct it. This placement is UNROUTABLE in PAR
and therefore, this error condition should be
fixed in your design. You may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE
constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to a
WARNING in order to generate an NCD file. This NCD file can then
be used in FPGA Editor to debug the problem. A list
of all the COMP.PINS used in this clock placement rule is listed
below. These examples can be used directly in the
.ucf file to demote this ERROR to a WARNING.
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf0(.I(DATA_OUT[0]), .O(dataouta_p[0]),
.OB(dataouta_n[0]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf1(.I(DATA_OUT[1]), .O(dataouta_p[1]),
.OB(dataouta_n[1]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf2(.I(DATA_OUT[2]), .O(dataouta_p[2]),
.OB(dataouta_n[2]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf3(.I(DATA_OUT[3]), .O(dataouta_p[3]),
.OB(dataouta_n[3]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf4(.I(DATA_OUT[4]), .O(dataouta_p[4]),
.OB(dataouta_n[4]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf5(.I(DATA_OUT[5]), .O(dataouta_p[5]),
.OB(dataouta_n[5]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf6(.I(DATA_OUT[6]), .O(dataouta_p[6]),
.OB(dataouta_n[6]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf7(.I(DATA_OUT[7]), .O(dataouta_p[7]),
.OB(dataouta_n[7]) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf8(.I(CLK_OUT[0]), .O(CLK_O_P), .OB(CLK_O_N) );
OBUFDS lvds_dataa_obuf9(.I(CLK_OUT[1]), .O(CLK_E_P), .OB(CLK_E_N) );