Luke Miller并非一开始就是HLS(高层次综合)的倡导者。在使用早期的工具版本的时候,他似乎有过一些糟糕的经历。他写道: “……我的心筑起心墙,我需要帮助。”幸运的是,现在的他似乎已经通过了一个12步HLS培训活动,
现在可以利用Xilinx Vivado HLS有效地开展工作了。

作者: Steve Leibson,赛灵思战略营销与商业规划总监
SemiWiki 有了一位新的博主,被称为“The FPGA Expert(FPGA专家)”。通过LinkedIn简单搜索,我得知这位FPGA专家是Luke Miller,他最近发表了一篇博文,介绍如何使用高层次综合(HLS)开发从C到其他HLL版本的各种加速硬件。 虽然不像“手把手的菜谱”那样具体详尽,但依然非常有趣。
Miller曾经在IBM公司担任过ASIC设计师,在Lockheed担任过硬件师(工程师/架构师),目前是一位拥有军事和航空设计经验的PE。Miller的网站名为FPGA Expert,上面有一段特别的讲述其个人经历的视频,其中描述了多项军事、航空和医疗项目(飞机、雷达和医疗成像),所以,我猜他应该拥有非常丰富的FPGA设计经验。他的网站证实了这个猜想。 Miller似乎也非常了解HLS。他写道:
真正起到关键因素的是仿真域 —您再也无需通过RTL逐件验证每项设计。”
Luke Miller并非一直都是HLS(高层次综合)的倡导者。在使用早期的工具版本的时候,他似乎有些糟糕的经历。。他写道:“……我的心筑起心墙,我需要帮助。”幸运的是,他似乎已经通过了一个12步HLS培训活动,
现在可以通过Xilinx Vivado HLS有效地开展工作了。
点击此处,阅读Miller有关HLS的建议:“高层次综合 —它真的行! ( High Level Synthesis – It’s for Real) ”
Level Synthesis – It’s for Real
Published on 04-11-2013 06:30 PM
It was spring 2010 and I was asked to
attend an HLS (High Level Synthesis) meeting. To be honest I cringed, after my
bad relationship with Accel DSP and broken promises my heart was all walled up
and needed counseling. But my management had a way of making me an offer I
could not refuse, like keeping my job. So reluctantly I went. Does your
employer do lunch and learns instead of real training? You know what that
equals right? A 1/8 pay cut, but let’s play nice.
Anyways after the usual introductions at the meeting they began to get into the
meat of the tool. I quickly diverted and asked if we could see the tool in
action and move away from the power point and boy did they. First up was a
cookie cutter FIR filter but it worked, really! Then they moved into floating
point designs etc. This HLS was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I saw
its potential and I needed to try it. We all agreed on an evaluation period.
Now I am by no means the best coder in the world, but even the best would have
a hard time beating the HLS tool with respect to design time, area and latency.
What HLS is not: It is not a coder in a box, thus sit down the software guy and
have him designing FPGAs. You need to understand the FPGA, no exceptions or you
will have a fat, slow design. The C or its variant will need to be
restructured, smartly, thus helping the tool out so it can perform better. It
is not a button you press and you have a bit image. I know how program managers

I leverage HLS tools in this fashion. I view it as Xilinx Corgen on steroids
which are driven by a C file. The speed up in design time is not in the
translation from C to VHDL but really is in the simulation domain. You are no
longer verifying designs piece by piece using RTL. For example, I design a
Beamfomer in C. I compile it and then run ‘a.exe’ and verify that the answer
matches the expects. That took about a second. For many PRIs of data that could
of taken hours in ModelSim. Catching on? I then bring up the HLS tool and pull
in the C file and the tool reports the latency, area, clock frequency etc. From
that information I can determine which FPGA to use. I then start using directives
to optimize the area / latency by using unrolls and pipeline directives. About
an hour later my beamformer is done. I then simulate the RTL at my top level
but I already know the math works and the tool took care of the boundary
conditions. The goal of this article is by no means a recipe on HLS usage but
hopefully entices you to check it out, you won’t be sorry.